We Boomers….

Younger generations say we screwed up the world. We weren’t better, or worse, than other generations. We made mistakes, but we’ve learned a few things along the way. Some of us, maybe….

Steven Yates



“Ok boomer….”

A refrain we’ve heard countless times….

My generation. Born 1947–1964.

The youngest of us turn 60 this year. The oldest are in their late 70s. We were the largest generation in history up to that point. There are around 73 million of us.

Some of us are retired and living on “nest eggs” and Social Security, which some pundits say we are breaking. Plenty of us are still working. Some by choice; some not.

There were really two waves of us. Older Boomers stopped being born around 1955. The second wave, my cohort, then started. The two cohorts are different.

Older Boomers either went to Vietnam or protested the war. Many tried dope; some, psychedelic drugs like LSD, became Hippies. They went to Woodstock, the music festival. Later, they started seeing dollar signs and joined the “Establishment” they’d disdained. They cut their hair, put on ties, became Yuppies — young upwardly-mobile professionals. Economically conservative but socially liberal, and all…



Steven Yates

I am the author of What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory. I write about philosophy (especially the Stoics), health and systems, and the future if we have one.