Stoicism: The World and Your World

Steven Yates
9 min readJan 13, 2022

Is the information glut at your fingertips from the world serving your world? Or is it harming you? Here’s what to do.

At first blush, the world is a pretty complicated place. It can be hustle-bustle, fast-paced, exciting; or these days it may seem hostile and frightening, filled with random violence, disease threats, controversy, more.

What do we mean, the world?

Everything “out there,” outside your skin. This includes the things you can affect, which are usually small and fairly specific, and the things you can read about online or in the newspaper but can’t affect, including things large and general.

The latter may seem to have expanded dramatically since the turn of the millennium.

Since shortly before that time, we’ve been in a situation no one ever saw before — ever: a flood of information, about anything and everything, available with a few mouse clicks.

To call the resulting shift of perspective an upheaval in our consciousness doesn’t begin to describe it.

This may seem commonplace, but pundits are still trying to figure out what this change has done to us, as people and as a civilization.

I want to take a different tack here. I want you to ask: are you in control of information, or is information…



Steven Yates

I am the author of What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory. I write about philosophy (especially the Stoics), health and systems, and the future if we have one.